Second session of the 3rd International Seminary of Reflexion and Analysis

The second session of the 3rd International Seminary of Reflexion and Analysis “…planet earth: antisistemic movements…” was a sample of the resistance constellations elaborated all over the south of the world by indigenous and peasant communities. It was also an opportunity to expand the perspective of the conflicts and struggles for the land on a global level. Comrades from the Qom community and the Peasant Movement of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, shared their stories of struggle and resistance. Their word comes from the south of our Latin America, from miles away, but is painfully known by Mexican pueblos and indigenous and peasant communities. These stories reflect many Mexican struggles ( such as the ikoots and biniza’a pueblos, on the Istmo of Tehuantepec, wirárika of Jalisco, SLP and rarámuri from the Sierra Tarahumara): their processes of fighting against the violence from the government and the land owners; their organization, denounce and demanding for the recognition and practice of their collective and ancestral rights; and their fight for recovering their land, revitalizing their culture and strengthening their autonomy building processes.

Therefore, the argentine comrades’ word invites us to globalize our struggles, globalize our hopes.

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